Guidelines for Septage Management in Maharashtra
February 2016
Proper treatment and management of faecal sludge is integral to safe sanitation practices. According to the Census 2011 around 30 million urban households, are not connected to any sewer system. Even if the cities create more underground sewerage infrastructure, the septic tank often remains an integral component of the sewerage scheme. However, most urban local bodies (ULBs) in India do not effectively monitor the regular cleaning and maintenance of septic tanks. In this context PAS team has developed a set of comprehensive Septage management Guidelines It draws from the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India's Advisory Note on Septage Management in Urban India-2013, manuals of Central Public Health Engineering and Environmental Organization, and Operative guidelines for septage management for urban and rural local bodies in Tamil Nadu. It is meant to be used as a reference guide by various stakeholders. It was launched by the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and can also be accessed on the Swachh Maharashtra website