Water supply service delivery

With rapid urbanization, the provision of drinking water has become a daunting challenge. Even though access to tap water service is generally high in urban areas, the service levels, efficiency and quality of water are poor in many cities. In addition, access to tap water in slum areas is lower as compared to non-slum areas. Equitable, efficient and sustainable water supply service delivery is essential to meet SDG target 6.1.

CWAS has prepared tools for measuring efficiency, water quality and cost recovery of water supply services. Various studies have been conducted to support water supply service level improvement in key aspects like access of water in slums, 24x7 water supply, non-revenue water, water quality, etc. Various capacity-building workshops were conducted and for improvement of water supply service delivery.

Expert Group Meeting on Operations of Urban Water Supply Systems

Round I of performance assessment from Gujarat and Maharashtra reveal that there are serious gaps in data availability related to...

Urban Drinking Water Security and Sustainability in Gujarat

This paper draws attention towards improved water security for ULBs in Gujarat due to Narmada water. It reviews the water...

Expert Group Meeting on Water Audit and Assessments

Round I of performance assessment from Gujarat and Maharashtra reveal that there are serious gaps in data availability related to...

Preliminary Water Audit Studies in Gujarat

Indian water utilities report 30 to 40 percent NRW. However, in most cases, these estimates are not based on proper...

City Water Audit Methodology

PAS Project had carried out a preliminary water audit exercise in 10 cities in Gujarat. These cities were identified in...

Improvement in Drinking Water Quality Surveillance in Gujarat

Results from PAS studies show that information on water quality is of low reliability. The PAS partner, UMC has developed...

Water Supply Flow Diagram Catalogue for Municipalities of Gujarat

This catalogue displays graphical flow diagrams of water supply network of 159 municipalities of Gujarat. These flow charts have been...

Study of 24X7 Water Supply and SCADA Systems at Navi Mumbai and Nashik

This report discusses the findings from a study tour to Navi Mumbai and Nagpur in Maharashtra to understand SCADA system,...

Recommendations for Improving Information Documentation for Water Supply in Navsari

Results from PAS studies show that Navasari Municipality performs better in nearly all indicators when compared to class average or...

Regional Workshops on Improving Water Supply Service Efficiency in Gujarat

Workshops were organized by Gujarat Municipal Finance Board (GMFB), Govt. of Gujarat in partnership with C-WAS, CEPT University on improving...

What Works in Water and Sanitation: Case Studies from Urban Gujarat

UMC has compiled "What Works", a catalogue of leading practices and innovations in water and sanitation sector in urban Gujarat....

What Works - Leading Practices Catalogue from Municipalities and Municipal Corporations of Gujarat

Leading Practices' are a significant source of peer to peer learning. The UMC has documented leading practices in water and...

Karad Municipal Council (KMC): Improving Water Supply through Technical Upgradation and People's Participation

Karad, a class 'B' municipal council in Maharashtra, was confronted with issues in water supply including low efficiency, poor quality...

Last mile connectivity for urban water supply services

In recent years, the Indian government has been making numerous efforts to increase access to safe and adequate drinking water...

Drinking Water in Slums of Nagpur

CWAS is a knowledge partner to Piramal Foundation, for safely managed water solutions to address the underserved i.e “beyond the...

Urban drinking water security in Gujarat

A paper on “Urban Drinking Water Security in Gujarat” authored by Meera Mehta, Dinesh Mehta and...

Webinar on Efficient and equitable service delivery for urban water supply and sanitation

India faces a range of water and sanitation challenges across its varied geography. "By 2020, twenty-one major cities in India...