Innovative financing mechanism
Innovative financing options can leverage limited public funds and bring greater effectiveness. The emphasis on innovative models is not only to leverage additional funds but to attract private investment by giving incentives using performance-based approaches that improve outcome efficiency and effectiveness of services. CWAS has explored various innovative financing mechanisms for investments in sanitation services like Development Impact Bonds (DIBs), Performance Linked Annuity Models (PLAM), crowdfunding, CSR, etc.
Workshop on Sustainable Sources and Mechanisms for Financing Urban Sanitation
A 'Workshop on Financing Urban Sanitation' was organised by the Ministry of Urban Development, GoI, in partnership with the CEPT...
Review of Innovative Financing Options for Urban Sanitation
Most assessments of sanitation finance suggest that there are large funding gaps, appropriate activities do not receive funding and there...
A Roundtable Meeting on Financing Urban Sanitation through Development Impact Fund
A roundtable meeting to explore a Development Impact Fund mechanism for household sanitation credit was jointly organised by the National...
Crowdfunding for Sanitation
Financing sanitation is one of the key areas that requires more attention. Crowdfunding is a new and innovative instrument for...
Finance Demand for Sanitation in Maharashtra
Demand for sanitation varies across the full sanitation service chain. The study highlights the nature of the demand for sanitation...
Financing Urban Sanitation Workshop
A workshop on ‘Financing urban sanitation’ was organized in partnership with the India Sanitation Coalition (ISC) in Mumbai on June...
Stockholm World Water Week 2015
World Water Week, organised by SIWI, is the annual focal point for the globe's water issues. 2015 was the jubilee...
Development Impact Bond (DIB) for Safe Sanitation
Development Impact Bonds (DIB) are increasingly being used to finance social services. In India, a few DIBs have been successfully...
Blended Finance Cases Across the Sanitation Service Chain: Cases from India
No region is on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal target of universal access to safely managed sanitation services...
Blended Finance for Climate Resilience in WASH in India
WASH sector is important from both mitigation and adaptation perspective of climate change. However, a significant amount of climate financing...