Guidelines for Urban Local Bodies to Implement Septage Management Plan
September 2016
In Maharashtra, only 32 cities are partially covered with sewer systems. Majority of household toilets are connected to onsite systems like septic tanks or pits. The new toilets constructed since the launch of Swachh Maharashtra Mission, Urban (SMMU) in 2015 by are being connected to septic tanks. However it is observed that while toilets are constructed, there is no proper management of faecal waste / septage in terms of collection, emptying, treatment and disposal. The guidebook seeks to address this gap by focusing on how ULBs can plan and implement septage management in their cities. It is intended to be a reference guide for all ULBs, state governments and other partners engaged in planning and implementation of septage management plan under Swachh Bharat Mission and AMRUT Mission.