Monitoring SDG 6.2 in Urban India

January 2022

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development called for ‘ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all’ under SDG 6. Safely managed sanitation services (indicator 6.2.1a) is an ambitious indicator under the target 6.2. While the number of countries with estimates available for safely managed sanitation has increased with each JMP progress update, many still only have a small number of data points making it difficult to assess trends.

India is one of the countries with the greatest progress in increasing at least basic sanitation and reducing open defecation, 2015-2020. Estimation of safely managed sanitation services in India is based on the small number of data points, the estimate of wastewater treated is based on the one-time study, whereas no estimates are available for fecal sludge emptied and treated. This slide deck describes the approach and assessment of safely managed sanitation services for urban areas, at the local level for a city and state. It is based on the use of the performance assessment system (PAS) database at the city level. It also provides a  review of SDG monitoring in India and measures to strengthen monitoring systems related to safely managed sanitation services.
