Global South Academic Conclave on WASH and Climate linkages organized at CEPT

In recent years, there is an emerging recognition of linkages between WASH and climate change. With varied approaches across countries, knowledge in the Global South can be an effective catalyst for accelerating development towards SDGs and climate resilience.

In this context, a Global South Academic Conclave on WASH and Climate Linkages was organized between 2nd and 4th February 2024 at CEPT University to focus on cross learning across countries and regions.

The Conclave was organized by the Center for Water and Sanitation at CRDF, Faculty of Planning at CEPT and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It brought together more than 350 academics and professionals from 30 countries with another 700 joining in virtually on the live channel.

The sessions included keynote addresses, panel discussions, paper and poster presentations with over 100 speakers and explored themes in climate mitigation, adaptation, WASH-climate policies, climate finance and inclusivity in infrastructure services. Academia roundtables were hosted by the Faculty of Planning for participating faculty members and students. Partner sessions were also hosted by IWA, ITN-BUET, ASCI, UMC and NFSSM Alliance. Technical sessions were accompanied by a poster exhibition which showcased student work at CEPT.

The event ended with a cultural programme and garba which was followed by field visits focusing on the built and water heritage in Ahmedabad as well as the impacts of the slum improvement programme in the city. These visits were guided and supported by CHC-CRDF, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and MHT.

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